Our discount coupons and deals are completely free for you to use. However, like any business, we need to generate revenue. Our advertising team has set up commission-based partnerships with popular brands and retailers to make this possible.
Each time a user clicks through to make a purchase or uses a code or discount offer on our site, we earn a small commission from the retailer. When you click on a link, a cookie is placed on the retailer’s website to notify them that you came from us. That’s it! This system allows us to support our team and cover our operating costs while still providing you with a free service.
Yes! In addition to commissions, we offer brands the opportunity to buy premium advertising space on our website, which boosts the visibility of their top offers. Essentially, this is another form of advertising.
No, you don’t need to create an account to access most of our discounts, codes, and deals. However, if you want to redeem cashback or access certain perks, you'll need to create an account.
Our cashback system is as simple and free as our coupon offers. When you shop and make a purchase from one of our affiliate merchants, we earn a commission. You’ll then receive a portion of that commission as cashback.
Absolutely! We’re a dedicated team of content creators, business managers, deal hunters, and money savers. We work hard to provide the best money-saving solutions, and in return for driving sales, stores give us a small percentage.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].
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How to Qualify for Online Cashback: